School Council

Sherdley Primary School > Children > School Council

Our School Council elections are held at the beginning of each Autumn term. Children who aspire to become a councillor have to present to their class why they would like to be on the school council, then voting takes place. This years councillors are:

Y2 – Albie, Amelia, Hallie and Hayden

Y3 – Ava, Esmae, Jack and Oliver

Y4 – Harry, Isaac, Molly and Thomas

Y5 – Alfie, Ivy, Lauren and Miles

Y6 – Daisy, Poppy, Skye and Zach

These amazing children have been elected as the new School Council 2024/2025.

They meet on a Tuesday, in 5 week blocks, running alongside the after school clubs – 3:10-4pm.

They discuss lots of issues about school life and organise lots of fundraising events. With your support they have raised over £1000 for charity. School Council have also been working alongside Mrs Bennett to raise funds for the KS1 playground.

Please continue to support the school council.

Thank you

Miss Essex and the School Council