Mrs Fleming
Mr Salter
Mrs Clare
Mrs Heyes
In Class 2F our staff are:
Mrs Fleming
Mrs Heyes
Miss Corless (Monday morning and Friday)
Here is where you will find all of the important information about Class 2F.
Our learning and how to help at home
In Year 2, reading books get changed on Fridays. Please try and read with your child at home regularly. It will help them to improve their fluency and understanding of new vocabulary. This reading needs to be recorded in the children’s reading records which will be sent home from school. It is really important that reading book bags are brought into school every day. Follow the link at the top of this class page to see which books we are reading in class.
In Year 2, we will be practising counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10.
We have sent home a letter with the login details for ‘Numbots’. This is a game based free app which can be downloaded or you can use via a webpage (see the useful links below). The children will create a robot, and the more questions which they answer correctly as they play, the more they can improve their robot.
Spellings in Year 2 are taught each week where we learn a new spelling rule. We use Spelling Shed for this and the children all have a login which has been sent home, and it is also stuck inside their reading record books. The more practise the children get, the more confidently they will learn the different spelling patterns, and of course, you can see what your children are learning in school. Each week, there is an assignment on Spelling Shed for the children to do. It is active from Monday morning until Sunday evening. The spelling tasks are game-based linked to the spellings we are learning that week.
Please look in the files section below for a list of the Common Exception Words (CEW) for Years 1 and 2. These are the words that the children should be able to read and spell before they go into KS2. When we are looking at the children’s writing, we look for these words to make sure that they are spelled correctly. Try to practise them at home too.
Please keep checking School Spider for up to date information about what is going on in 2F
Useful websites
Here are some websites to support your child throughout their time in Year 2:
TTRockstars (for practising times tables in a fun way) https://ttrockstars.com/
Numbots (for practising number and calculation skills in a fun way) https://numbots.com/
Both of these (TTRockstars and Numbots) are available as apps and the login details are the same as the letter sent home in September.
Phonics Play (games and activities to recap phonics knowledge) https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources
Here is a link to a maths game called ‘Hit the Button’ which is great for practising times tables, number bonds, doubles and halves https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Here is the link to Spelling Shed where you can play spelling games and really work hard to learn the new spelling rules you will be learning this year. https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/login
P.E. days are Monday and Friday. Please send your child to school in their P.E. kit on these days and ensure that everything is named- especially hoodies which have a habit of going missing!
Earrings are not allowed when doing P.E. so children either need to remove them (or have them removed at home) or cover them with plasters.
Meanwhile, if you have any other queries which are not answered on the website please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of the Y2 team.
Thank you for your continued support.
Please click the Attendance title above to view attendance information and your class position in Sherdley’s Attendance League. The winning class receives a treat at the end of each half term!