Our Curriculum

Hello and welcome to the Sherdley Primary Curriculum page. My name is Mr Davies and I am the lead for Curriculum Development at school. My ambition is to create a broad, balanced and inspiring curriculum for our pupils to help engage and motivate them to become lifelong learners. I believe in a curriculum that is memorable, relevant and personal to the children, with carefully chosen links made between subjects to build themes, concepts and ideas.
The National Curriculum (or for Pre-school and Reception, the Early Years Curriculum) provides the initial basis for all planning, ensuring coverage of all subjects as well as an accumulative progression in learning. Through this, we create bespoke curriculum plans for each year that are knowledge-rich and promote personal growth and development. We carefully sequence concepts across subjects that are taught in precise and purposeful ways. Within our curriculum, we have considered the unique environment of St Helens and its rich history, along with its links to Liverpool.
We have high expectations for all children and believe that all children are capable of achieving and succeeding in their learning. Through maintaining a broad and balanced curriculum where concepts are delivered in depth we aim to ensure that all children meet end-of-year outcomes. Our inclusive approach considers the needs of more vulnerable children including those with SEND or from disadvantaged backgrounds. Engaging children in their learning is integral to our approach where we promote effective feedback and dialogue, collaborative ways of working and practical tasks.
We aim to enhance learning and provide wider opportunities through planning for supportive homework tasks, educational visits or visitors, outdoor learning, sporting and cultural events and well-designed themed weeks. We embody the school’s values by helping children meet their potential by having high aspirations for their future. We provide a challenging curriculum that builds resilience in our pupils. Above all, we care for every member of our school; everyone is welcome in the Sherdley family.
Our Curriculum Intent Statement
Sherdley Primary School Vision: Growing together; Respecting each other.
Vision statement: To inspire children to achieve their true potential in a happy and safe environment.
Curriculum Intent
Sherdley Primary School aims to provide opportunities for our pupils to meet our expectations, which are as easy as A, B, C, D, E:
- Always follow instructions
- Be resilient
- Caring, sharing and kind
- Demonstrate responsibility to others and self
- Expect the best of ourselves
We feel that these expectations help our pupils to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. We aim for all learners to enjoy their education and make good progress from their different starting points, in all areas of learning. Pupils are helped to achieve their potential within the Sherdley family, we recognise that every child is unique; we tailor the learning, curriculum and provision to embrace the individual’s interests that are reflective of our community and to meet their needs.
Our immersive curriculum, which follows the National Curriculum, has been designed to meet the diverse needs of all our children and community. It aims to give them the life opportunities, ambition and aspirations that will enable them to become fulfilled, successful and responsible citizens for the world that they will inhabit. Our curriculum is broad and balanced to ensure that all the pupils at Sherdley are given the opportunities to develop their knowledge, skills and experiences for them to flourish in their educational careers and beyond.