Growing Together
Respecting Each Other

3W 2023 - 2024

Mrs Wrenn

Mrs Heyes

Mrs Johnson

Welcome to 3W's Class Page

Kelly Wrenn.JPG  Joanne Johnson.JPGDemi Lee Corless.jpg




Mrs Wrenn and Mrs Johnson.  Miss Corless also supports us.

On this page you will find all the relevant, up to date information about what is going on in Year 3!

Year 3 is a great year where we love to have fun and learn lots!

Class Information

  • P.E. in Year 3W is currently on Monday and Thursday. Please make sure your child has a NAMED PE kit. Also, please bring your child to school WEARING their PE kit on PE days. No earrings or tights are to be worn on this day.
  • Art in year 3 often includes lots of painting! It would be a great help if an old shirt could be brought in to cover your child’s uniform.. 

Meanwhile, if you have any queries that are not answered on the class page please don’t hesitate to ask us!


Please click the Attendance title above to view attendance information and your class position in Sherdley's Attendance League. The winning class receives a treat at the end of each half term!

Things to do at home

Times tables

Practising times tables at home is really important, and it can be fun too!

Here are some sites that children can use to help them practise their times tables:

TT ROCKSTARS (Children will have their own log in for this which they can use at home) - Hit the Button game 

Children will be tested on their times tables once a week in class and they will be told which tables they are on and when they can move up. If you would like to know which table your child is on, then please come and ask. If you need any suport in accessing any of the above resources, we are here and happy to help.  So please come and speak to us. 


Children will be accessing Reading Plus at school and can also log on at home. This is a fantastic way to practise reading and comprehension skills. A password has been sent home for each individual child. Log on via


Use this site to access Spelling Shed- a great way to practise the spelling rules that we have been learning in class!

Files to Download

3W: News items


100% Attendance, by Mrs Eccleston

100% Attendance for the Week!, by Mrs Eccleston

3W: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

3W: Gallery items

Looking at maps, by Mrs Tilley

3W trip to Chester, by Mrs Tilley

3W: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

Sherdley Primary School
Mill Lane, St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 4HA
Office Admin Team: Mrs K Tilley | Miss R Sheppard
SENDCO: Mrs J Stroud
Mrs J Stroud can be contacted via the main school email address - [email protected]
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