Welcome to Year 1W Class Page
On this page you will find lots of information about what is going on in our class. Year 1 is a very exciting year and we are looking forward to learning new things and having lots of fun along the way.
Miss Williams is our class teacher. Mrs Gaffney and Miss Ashton are our class LSAs.

Mrs Rattigan teaches our class on a Tuesday morning.

- Please can book bags be brought in every day with reading record and books. Books will be changed on Friday.
- All childrens uniform, coats and P.E. kit is labelled clearly with their intials or full name to prevent them from getting lost.
- Please ensure your child brings a waterbottle into school daily.
P.E. is twice a week in Year 1W and is on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
Children should come to school wearing PE kit. Please make sure any extra layers (jumpers, jackets etc) have clearly been labelled with the child’s name. Please make sure any earrings have been removed and hair is fastened neatly.
Supporting learning at home
Reading and Phonics

In Year 1, we follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Phonics scheme to support early reading. The children have adult lead reading practice sessions throughout the week and will take these phonics books home on a Friday. We encourage reading to be done every day at home and we ask that you complete the reading record book to inform us of this practice. It is important that children read this book to you, this will develop their reading fluency and understanding of the text.
Children can also choose a book from our reading for pleasure box to take home. Children will be encouraged to choose a new story on a Friday but can change them as often as they like. Your child will not be expected to read this on their own, you should read and enjoy these stories together.
Year 1 have phonics sessions daily where they practice reading and spelling words containing newly taught sounds. Throughout the year, children also read and write Year 1 common exception words. We ask that at home you focus on correct letter formation and encourage children to spell independently. Below is a copy of the Phase 2 and 3 sound mat (used in Reception) that children can use when writing.

There are some useful parent videos and documents on the Little Wandle website below.
For parents | Letters and Sounds (littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk)
Year 1 will also have access to Numbots. Children will recieve log in details and be able to access this game online via tablet or computer. Numbots is great for developing children’s number fact recall and confidence within maths lessons. Children complete maths challenges and move up levels which allows them to collect points and design their own robot. It is very fun and engaging!

If you have any other queries which are not answered on the website please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of the Y1 team.
Please click the Attendance title above to view attendance information and your class position in Sherdley’s Attendance League. The winning class receives a treat at the end of each half term!