The Staff in Year 3 are Mr Hughes, Mrs Wrenn, Mrs Johnson and Mrs Davies
Welcome to 3H Class Page
The 3H Class Teacher is Mr Hughes and Mrs Johnson is the Class LSA

Mrs Dearing also teaches our class sometimes

On this page you will find all the relevant, up-to-date, information about what is going on in Year 3!
Year 3 is a great year and we look forward to sharing this learning journey with you!
- P.E. in Year 3 is on Wednesday morning and a Thursday afternoon. Please make sure your child has a NAMED PE kit. Please bring your child to school WEARING their PE kit on PE days and ensure that they are not wearing any jewellery or watches on these days (or can remove them by themselves as staff are not able to do this for them). No tights to be worn on those days if possible.
Children should have brought a green card home with all the log in details they will need for this year. If you need any further support with accessing your child’s account, please speak to a member of the Year 3 team.
TT ROCKSTARS Children can access this site to practise their times tables by taking on different challenges.
EDSHED.COM Use this site to access Spelling Shed- a great way to practise the spelling rules that we have been learning in class! Each week a new assignment will be created where children will play games to help embed the spellings we have been learning that week. Children can also click on past assignments to revisit spellings from earlier in the year, or previous years.
READING- Please try to listen to your child read every night and record using the Boom Reader app/website.
- In order for your child/children to make good progress to learn all their mulitplication and division facts by the end of Year 4, it is important that they are practising their times tables as much as possible at home by using apps such as TTRockstars at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes at a time.
- Reading is a really important skill in Year 3, which helps the children to access so much more of their learning if they can read independently to an appropraitely level. We ask that parents use the Boom Reader app to log any of their child’s reading at home so we can monitor this progress in school and remind them to change their reading book if they forget. The children can change their reading book for a new one on any day as long as they bring their old reading book back to swap. There are also prizes for the children who read a certain number of times throughout the school year.
- If you have forgotten your log in details for any of the above sites – just send a message to the school office or come and ask one of the Year 3 team!
Please click the Attendance title above to view attendance information and your class position in Sherdley’s Attendance League. The winning class receives a treat at the end of each half term!
Meanwhile, if you have any queries that are not answered on the class page please don’t hesitate to ask us!