The Staff in Year 3 are Mrs Wrenn, Mr Hughes, Mrs Davies and Mrs Johnson.

Welcome to 3W’s Class Page

The Class Teacher is Mrs Wrenn and Mrs Davies is the Class LSA.

Miss Corless also supports us.

On this page you will find all the relevant, up to date information about what is going on in Year 3!

Year 3 is a great year where we love to have fun and learn lots!

Class Information

  • P.E. in Year 3W is currently on Monday and Thursday. Please make sure your child has a NAMED PE kit. Also, please bring your child to school WEARING their PE kit on PE days. No earrings or tights are to be worn on this day.
  • Art in year 3 often includes lots of painting! It would be a great help if an old shirt could be brought in to cover your child’s uniform.. 

Meanwhile, if you have any queries that are not answered on the class page please don’t hesitate to ask us!


Please click the Attendance title above to view attendance information and your class position in Sherdley’s Attendance League. The winning class receives a treat at the end of each half term!


Children should have brought a green card home with all the log in details they will need for this year. If you need any further support with accessing your child’s account, please speak to a member of the Year 3 team. 

TT ROCKSTARS Children can access this site to practise their times tables by taking on different challenges.  

EDSHED.COM Use this site to access Spelling Shed- a great way to practise the spelling rules that we have been learning in class! Each week a new assignment will be created where children will play games to help embed the spellings we have been learning that week. Children can also click on past assignments to revisit spellings from earlier in the year, or previous years.

READING- Please try to listen to your child read every night and record using the Boom Reader app/website.

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