Mrs McGoran – Class Teacher

Miss Corless – HLTA

Mrs Knowles – LSA

Miss Wharton – LSA

Welcome to Year 4 where this year will be full of fascinating activities and things to learn! We are supported in our learning by Mrs Knowles, Miss Wharton and Miss Corless. 

This half term, we will be learning about lots of different things. Our History topic is Ancient Civilisations where we will be learning about some of the earliest human civilisations including the Ancient Egyptians. In Science we will learn all about digestion. In RE our topic is Hinduism. Have a look at some of the websites below to find out more! 

Ancient Civilisations – Shang Dynasty – 

Ancient Civilisations – Ancient Sumer – 

Ancient Civilisations – Indus Valley – 

Ancient Civilisations – Ancient Egypt – 

Hinduism – 

Digestion – 


Homework is checked on a Wednesday. Every week your child should go on Times Tables Rockstars and complete at least one soundcheck and two garage sessions. They should also go on to Spelling Shed and complete the activities there. Children have all been given their usernames and passwords.

Reading is a vital element of your child’s education. Please do listen to your child read each day and ask them comprehension questions about the book. All reading should be logged on Boomreader – new logins have been sent out. Books can be changed once they have been completed and marked as completed on Boomreader. We will be giving out rewards for children reading and logging it on Boomreader too! Information on the books we are reading in school can be found by clicking the ‘Reading in Year 4’ link at the top of this page.

Multiplication Table Check

In June 2025, your children will sit their multiplication table check (MTC). This consists of a series of 25 mixed times table questions timed to 6 seconds per question. The results are recorded and sent to the government. 

Please practice times tables with your child frequently to ensure they are  becoming confident at quick recall. We complete weekly times table challenges to keep track of your chid’s progress during the year. Feel free to come and speak to us regarding their times tables. TT Rockstars or Hit the button links below are great for practising at home. LOG IN DETAILS HAVE BEEN SENT HOME

We will be using Spelling Shed to help children practice their spellings – logins for this have been sent home. Here is the link:


PE is on a Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure your child has a NAMED PE kit. Also, please bring your child to school WEARING their PE kit on PE days. They also need a named water bottle in school. Earrings must be removed for PE days.  Ask us for more information on this if needed! 


Please click the Attendance title above to view attendance information and your class position in Sherdley’s Attendance League. The winning class receives a treat at the end of each half term!

We are aiming for Gold Attendance – do you think we can win? I do! Try to come to school every day. Well done everyone for your effort!

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