Miss Roberts
Mrs Clarke
Welcome to the 5R Class Page

Welcome to 5Rs class page. 5Rs class teacher is Miss Roberts. Mrs Clarke is our class LSA. Mrs Marren also helps in class on Monday- Wednesday. On a Wednesday afternoon, Miss Corless will be in class.
This class page is where you will find important information about what is happening in Year 5. Please check the school app regularly for any updates.
PE for 5R is on Tuesdays and Fridays. Children should come to school WEARING their PE kit on PE days. Additionally, earrings should be either removed or taped up by an adult, and long hair must be tied back.
Please ensure your child is wearing an appropriate P.E. kit with no visible logos. Ask us for more information on this if needed.
Year 5 will go swimming in Spring 1.
Attendance is important for your child’s learning and growth in school. We strive for 100% attendance every week – prizes are given out during our weekly Achievement Assemblies.
Reading is vital in order to be successful at school! Please read regularly with your child and also make sure they can answer comprehension questions about the book. Books can be brought in and changed once they are completed. Please log all reading on the Go Read app. Children can earn badges for reading regularly at home – bronze, silver, gold and platinum!
From Year 4 onwards, children are expected to know all their times tables fluently. To help improve, use the Times Table Rock Stars app to practise and become quicker at recalling this. Good times table knowledge is a massive help and plays a big part in our wider Maths learning.
We are using a new spelling scheme in school called Spelling Shed. Please use Spelling Shed as regularly as you can to support your children with their spellings.
Logins for all websites are provided at the start of term – speak with us if you need them again.
Homework sheets are given out on a Wednesday afternoon and are to be returned by the following Wednesday. Homework is not compulsory but it is encouraged, as extra practice, relating to the learning in Year 5.
We’re looking forward to a great year with you all!
Miss Roberts