Mrs Roberts

Welcome to RR Class Page

Your Class Teacher is Mrs Roberts. The Class LSAs are Mrs Makin and Mrs Brown.

The teacher in our other Reception class – RE is Miss Essex  and their LSA’s are Miss Campbell and Mrs Carter.

Mrs Rattigan will also support us.

Class Information 

The children need to bring their book bag and a full water bottle to school every day

Please provide a pair of wellies to be left in school on the rack – when the grass is very wet/muddy they need a pair to be able to play in the garden area

We have P.E. on WEDNESDAYS. Children should come to school wearing their PE kit. Please make sure any extra layers (jumpers, jackets etc) have clearly been labelled with the child’s name. Please make sure any earrings have been removed. 

A plain white t-shirt
A black pair of shorts
Black plimsolls
Black sweatshirt or hoodie

Please make sure that you are registered with the School App so that you get updates and messages – if you are having difficulties the school office can help. 

We use Trackit Lights to earn house points! The more house points we earn the more likely our house will earn House Point Haribos from Mrs Bennett at the end of the half term. 


The children take home a Sharing Picture Book each Thursday/Friday. Do enjoy reading this book with your child. There are tips inside their Reading Journal. 

The Little Wandle Phonics and Reading Programme is started on the 3rd week of the Autumn term. The children  initially take home little phoneme cards – one side has a picture, the other the grapheme (letter)  please do practice them every day at home. eg snake – sssss, penguin – p

The children mostly start to take home a Little Wandle Learning to Reading book after half term. If your child is able to blend phonemes at that point, then they will have a book with simple words. If they are still learning to blend, they will have a book with just pictures whilst they continue to practice their blending skills.

Starting Reception – Information for Parents

Children can start school in the September before following their 4th birthday.

After you are informed by the Local Authority that your child has a place in Reception, our EYFS Lead Mrs Roberts will be in touch by letter to welcome you to Sherdley Primary School.

You will be invited to attend a meeting on when you will meet the Senior Leadership Team and receive information about to your child starting school.

Following the parents meeting your child will be introduced to Reception through a programme of  stay and play sessions, and an induction week in the September. 

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