
Hello! My name is Mr Hughes and I’m the music coordinator at Sherdley. I joined Sherdley in September 2017 and have been the music coordinator since then. I also lead Computing and have responsibility for overseeing Lower Key Stage 2.
We have an excellent music curriculum at Sherdley. Teachers and HLTA’s use the Charanga scheme to help deliver exciting and engaging lessons. Our curriculum gives all KS2 children the experience of playing a woodwind, stringed and percussion instrument, with the opportunity to learn to play a woodwind instrument through St Helens Music Service in peripatetic lessons. Pupils pay a small fee towards this each year and these peripatetic lessons are taught to small groups of pupils.
Our intent for teaching music at Sherdley Primary School is for pupils to add to their breadth of musical understanding by singing, playing and composing in a wide range of musical styles, and appraising music from different genres.?We encourage pupils to listen to and?appraise music with increasing concentration and a more detailed understanding as they progress through the school.?In their music lessons, pupils use their voices expressively by singing songs and raps and speaking chants and rhymes.
Pupils will be taught to play a variety of instruments musically and encouraged to play together in ensemble groups. Class teaching is supported where appropriate by specialist music tutors. I enjoy leading singing assemblies weekly that give an opportunity for pupils to practise and enjoy singing together. Music lessons are linked to other subjects where appropriate, and music?is used in a variety of lessons and activities to create mood, atmosphere and aid thinking and creativity. Children have the opportunity to participate in different projects and clubs throughout the year, inluding choir, production and other performance opportunities.
Keep an eye out for news and pictures of musical activities in school!