Hello my name is Mrs Rattigan and I am the RE coordinator at Sherdley Primary School. I joined the school in September 2006 and have been the RE coordinator for a few years.

Learning about different religions helps us to understand our multi-cultural society which we live in and our school feels this is really important as our world is becoming more diverse all the time. RE also promotes the spiritual, moral and social development of the children. I have myself taught RE to many year groups over the years and children really enjoy learning about other cultures and seeing artefacts we have from many religions. I enjoy looking through children’s books to see what they have learnt about in RE such as the Diwali celebrations in Hinduism, the traditions and family celebrations in Judaism and the life of Jesus. We are hopefully going to organise some trips to places of worship for a variety of religions to peak chidren’s interests further.
I also support the teachers in our school by attending courses and delivering information at staff meetings. I ask staff regularly to let me know if they need particular teaching resources that could enhance the children’s learning.
If you would like to speak about RE at Sherdley Primary School, please contact me.
Schools have to teach RE but you can withdraw your children from all or part of the lessons, opt outs should be in writing addressed to the Headteacher.