School Uniform
School uniform can be purchased via our school uniform providers:
Only the clip on tie (£4.60), PE Bag (£5.00) and Reading Bag (£6.60) can be purchased from the school office.
Uniform | Summer Term Options |
Dark grey long trousers. Dark grey pinafore dress or skirt | Dark grey shorts, light blue gingham dress- optional in the summer term only |
Blue badged v-necked pullover or blue badge v-necked cardigan | |
Pale blue shirt buttoned to the neck and school clip on tie (clip on tie is only availble at the school office) | Sky blue badged polo shirt- the summer term only |
Plain black sensible shoes- NO trainers or shoes with coloured designs or ‘flashing lights’ | |
Black/grey ankle or knee length socks, grey tights | White ankle or knee length socks |
In the Reception classes only, the boys and girls may wear blue badged polo shirts all year round, with either a badged v-necked or badged carigan sweatshirt | |
Pre-School uniform: A pale blue badged polo shirt, blue badged sweatshirt and grey trousers/joggers/leggings/shorts + Velcro fastening shoes/pumps | |
We encourage hats, scarves and gloves during the winter months. Knitted hats are allowed to be worn on the playground during the winter months. | School caps are encouraged to be worn on the school playground during the summer months |
School bags and coats should have the child’s name inand be a type that can be stored on the child’s peg. Optional school badged coat and/or fleece can be purchased from HiVis. ‘Named’ brands are discouraged | |
Long hair should be tied back at all times – no extremes of hair styles or ‘patterns’ cut into the hair. Make up and nail varnish is not allowed. | |
Any earrings MUST be studs and will need to be removed for PE lessons or sports based activites, this is due to health and safety reasons. | |
Sports Kits
Indoors | Outdoors |
Plain white t-shirt or polo shirt | As indoor with an additional layer of plain black or navy jogging bottom and sweatshirts |
Plain black or navy shorts | |
Black pumps or bare feet | Trainers are allowed for outdoor work but avoid expensive styles as they may get wet/muddy |
P.E bags should be the drawstring type and be named. They can remain at school all week and be taken home at the weekend for washing |
No jewellery, including watches, is allowed at all during P.E sessions. If a child cannot remove earrings by themselves, they will be given an appropriate role within the lesson, ie coach. Any child missing a P.E lesson due to a medical reason will be expected to bring a note from the parent explaing the reason. |
Aerosol deodorants are not not allowed as they trigger some ashtmatics. Roll on or stick types are all suitable alternatives. |
Swimming Kits
Children going swimming must bring their kits in a seperate bag.
They need a towel and either trunks or a full costume. Bikinis and long swimming shorts are not allowed.
It is a good idea for those who have long hair to wear a swimming cap.