Pastoral Offer at Sherdley

Sherdley Primary School > School Information > Pastoral Offer at Sherdley

The Sherdley Pastoral Team 

Our Pastoral Team is led by Mrs Bennett, Acting Headteacher and is supported by Mrs Stroud, SENCo, Mrs Lakey – Family and Children’s Community Support Worker, Mrs Eccleston – Attendance Officer, Mrs Bridge – The Hub lead. The team is further supported by Miss James – Upper Key Stage 2 Lead and Mr Hughes Lower Key Stage 2 Lead. The photos of the staff can be located in the files below – it is always good to be able to put a name to a face! 

We are very passionate about the Mental Health and Wellbeing offer for our children and families. 

We have embedded a graduated approach to our Mental Helath and Wellbeing offer. This ensures that children in need receive a robust package of support that is appropriate to their level of need as well as their developmental and chronological age. 

Graduated Approach

Stage 1: Additional adaptations made to the class and school environment, resources and curriculum to support children in accessing a broad and balanced curriculum.

Stage 2: Where children continue to find learning challenging, following stage 1 support. This will be escalated to stage 2 – more focused intervention / class based LSA support. This stage will be shared with the SENCO / Pastoral Lead and Parents/ Carers.

Stage 3: Children who are struggling to access an adapted curriculum can be referred to the pastoral team, via a Pastoral referral form. Pastoral Meetings take place within the first week after each half term / end of term break. Staff, children or parents can refer to the pastoral team. The child’s needs and barriers will be discussed at this meeting. The meeting is attended by all members of the pastoral team and often includes the Lower Ks2 and Upper Key Stage 2 leads. It is agreed at that meeting what the next steps are for the child. These can include, targeted work recommended to the class based LSA, small group pastoral work, 1:1 group pastoral support or referrals to external professions such as Behaviour Improvement Team, LASCS or speech and language.

Stage 4: Some children may have previously been discussed at a pastoral meeting. The support may have been implemented but progress is limited. For children who have already received LSA intervention, small group and 1:1 we will discuss whether they would benefit from The Hub. This is our highest level of Pastoral Support. Places are limited and children must have received lower stages of pastoral support before accessing The Hub.  Parallel to The Hub, we are also supported by Phillipi Trust Therapy.  This again is a very high level of support and children must have accessed lower stages of support before accessing Phillipi.

Stage 5: There are a number of external services that children can also be referred to across St Helens and Health Services. They frequently want to know what support has already been implemented before escalating to their service. This is another reason why our graduated approach is so crucial.  Following discussions with parents, we may refer to CAMHS, Barnados, Resilience Team or School Emotional Wellbeing Team for additional support.