Sherdley’s SEND Offer

Assistant Head & SENDCo: Mrs J Stroud
To make contact with our SENCO please email –
Or call – 01744 678683
At Sherdley Primary School we believe that early identification of children’s additional needs is crucial to them developing independance and skills that will support them in their lifelong learning. We believe that communication with Parents and Carers is vital. To ensure that children’s needs are identified at the earliest possible time, we adpot a graduated approach to this identification. To achieve the best possible outcomes, parental engagement with our graduated approach is essential. This is a summary of our graduated approach to SEND and for any children with additional needs, more detailed information can be found in our SEND Policy, SEND School Offer and SEND Information.
Stage 1
Parents/Carers share any concerns with their childs class teacher. A short, fixed term plan will be agreed and implemented. This will be reviewed and collectively discussed, with agreed next steps.
Stage 2
If concerns remain, the class teacher will have a discussion with the SENDCo. A formal plan will be implemented- known as an IEP (Individual Education Plan), a selection of targets will be agreed and review 3 times per year. Parents / carers will be invited to these meetings. The child will also be recorded on the school’s SEND register. Progress towards these targets will be monitored.
Stage 3
It may be necessary to discuss the child’s need with external professionals such as health or other agencies. We will always seek your consent before we discuss your child. The aim would be to seek further recommendations and support for your child. You may be invited to meetings to share your concerns, views and aspirations. Parental engagement – attendance at school, attendance of appointments, parents evening, additional work that is sent home to support your child, are all essential for the best possible outcome.
Advice, Support and Information:
St Helens SEND page:
Neurodevelopment Pathway Team: – Working with children and young people with complex neurodevelopmental difficulties, who require a multi-agency assessment to gain a better understanding of their needs.
AddVanced Solutions: Commissioned to support families pre, during and post-diagnosis.
National Autistic Society: Offering advice and support for families.
The ADHD Foundation: Guidance and support for local families.
Listen 4 Change (StHelens Parent/Carer Forum) Run by parents and carers of children and young people with SEND aged 0-25 years.
IASS – St Helens Information and Advice Service
Speech and Language UK – Development guidance linked to the speech and language of children.
The Sleep Charity – – Advice and support around helping your child sleep better.
HALO- SEND St Helens Local Offer Newsletter